If so, you'll be surprised to know that even ‘you' can begin transforming your body into a "beach body" with that perfect six-pack: resulting in the opposite sex drooling over you. The workouts for abs below will help you to achieve those toned and muscular abs.
The first thing to remember when performing workouts for abs is that building muscle by its self won't create that perfect six-pack. What is also required is to diet. You must aim to lose weight over you whole body and not just the stomach. It doesn't matter how toned and muscular your abs are, no one's going to be impressed by them if they are hidden under a layer of fat.
Interval Training
The next thing you should do to make your workouts for abs more effective is interval training. This is a form of cardio which involves bursts of high intensity work which is alternated with periods of low activity or rest. The choices of exercises you can choose are running, cycling, and rowing, etc. As your pace changes, your body will burn more calories and the more work you put into this, the more fat is burnt off.
The Workouts for Abs
Okay, lets now look at the workout for abs themselves and there are a number to choose from.
The Abdominal Crunch
Lie on the floor with you hands touching your forehead. Keep the bottom of your back firmly on the floor and by contracting your abs, raise the top of your back and shoulders by about 4 inches off the floor. Exhale while you do this and try to keep this position for about 30 seconds. Over time as you become better at this, slowly increase the time your upper back and shoulders are raised off the floor.
Sit Ups
Lie on the floor with your knees up. Try and wedge your feet under something or have a friend hold them down. With your hands behind your head or cross ways across your chest, raise your back and shoulders until you are upright and then lower back down. As you become more used to doing this, try doing it on an incline or holding weights and increase these as you become more resilient.
Leg Raises
To do this you must lie flat on the floor with your arms down by your side and your hands flat on the floor. Keeping your legs straight, lift them up into the air so that they are at a 90 degree angle to your body. Then lower and repeat without them touching the floor.
Jackknife Sit Ups
Lie flat on your back with your arms down by your side. Then simultaneously raise your torso and knees so that your face touches your kneecaps directly above your pelvis. While doing this, allow your knees to bend naturally. As you become more resilient to doing this, you can attach a weight to your feet.
Static Holds
This exercise is known as the plank because you get into the push-up position, but instead of your hands touching the floor, you have your elbows touching it instead. Push up your body off the floor and keeping it firm and still (static) hold that position. You might find that 45 seconds would be enough if you are new to performing workouts for abs. Those more experienced can keep this position for up to 5 minutes. You can also do this exercise on your side with one arm raising you off the floor and one foot touching the floor.
Bicycle Crunches
Another important set of muscle that should be exercised are your oblique muscles. These muscles are located on either side of your stomach. One way to do this is by performing bicycle crunches. Lie on the floor with your hands behind your head. This is similar to the abdominal crunch except that you lift your left knee up and bend your left shoulder towards it and then back down without touching the floor. Then you repeat again but now with the right knee and shoulder. Keep alternating between the two as if you were riding a bicycle.
DVDs to Help with Workouts for Abs
There are a couple of excellent DVD workout programs on the market which are guaranteed to help you achieve your goal. These DVD workout programs are brilliant because they are very motivating and will help keep you focused by giving you a set routine to follow. With these DVDs you will achieve maximum results with your workouts for abs and in next to no time you'll be able to display that beach body that everyone desires, leaving you feeling fit and confident and looking great.
The first thing to remember when performing workouts for abs is that building muscle by its self won't create that perfect six-pack. What is also required is to diet. You must aim to lose weight over you whole body and not just the stomach. It doesn't matter how toned and muscular your abs are, no one's going to be impressed by them if they are hidden under a layer of fat.
Interval Training
The next thing you should do to make your workouts for abs more effective is interval training. This is a form of cardio which involves bursts of high intensity work which is alternated with periods of low activity or rest. The choices of exercises you can choose are running, cycling, and rowing, etc. As your pace changes, your body will burn more calories and the more work you put into this, the more fat is burnt off.
The Workouts for Abs
Okay, lets now look at the workout for abs themselves and there are a number to choose from.
The Abdominal Crunch
Lie on the floor with you hands touching your forehead. Keep the bottom of your back firmly on the floor and by contracting your abs, raise the top of your back and shoulders by about 4 inches off the floor. Exhale while you do this and try to keep this position for about 30 seconds. Over time as you become better at this, slowly increase the time your upper back and shoulders are raised off the floor.
Sit Ups
Lie on the floor with your knees up. Try and wedge your feet under something or have a friend hold them down. With your hands behind your head or cross ways across your chest, raise your back and shoulders until you are upright and then lower back down. As you become more used to doing this, try doing it on an incline or holding weights and increase these as you become more resilient.
Leg Raises
To do this you must lie flat on the floor with your arms down by your side and your hands flat on the floor. Keeping your legs straight, lift them up into the air so that they are at a 90 degree angle to your body. Then lower and repeat without them touching the floor.
Jackknife Sit Ups
Lie flat on your back with your arms down by your side. Then simultaneously raise your torso and knees so that your face touches your kneecaps directly above your pelvis. While doing this, allow your knees to bend naturally. As you become more resilient to doing this, you can attach a weight to your feet.
Static Holds
This exercise is known as the plank because you get into the push-up position, but instead of your hands touching the floor, you have your elbows touching it instead. Push up your body off the floor and keeping it firm and still (static) hold that position. You might find that 45 seconds would be enough if you are new to performing workouts for abs. Those more experienced can keep this position for up to 5 minutes. You can also do this exercise on your side with one arm raising you off the floor and one foot touching the floor.
Bicycle Crunches
Another important set of muscle that should be exercised are your oblique muscles. These muscles are located on either side of your stomach. One way to do this is by performing bicycle crunches. Lie on the floor with your hands behind your head. This is similar to the abdominal crunch except that you lift your left knee up and bend your left shoulder towards it and then back down without touching the floor. Then you repeat again but now with the right knee and shoulder. Keep alternating between the two as if you were riding a bicycle.
DVDs to Help with Workouts for Abs
There are a couple of excellent DVD workout programs on the market which are guaranteed to help you achieve your goal. These DVD workout programs are brilliant because they are very motivating and will help keep you focused by giving you a set routine to follow. With these DVDs you will achieve maximum results with your workouts for abs and in next to no time you'll be able to display that beach body that everyone desires, leaving you feeling fit and confident and looking great.